Saturday, March 28, 2009

Finally an update!(edited)

well so as of now I am finally in my host home! It was basically impossible to write because I had no idea how o read the hiragana on the keyboard or the kanjis but now I got it!

ha okay so lets start at the beggining I left dallas airport crying my eyes out and then I left on a plane crying my eyes out! when I finally reached L.A. I was sooo suprised at how well I I was able to get around and not get lost because it was hugggeee! but yeah from that point on everything was suppperr expensive! a sandwhich and a shake with fries=$16 but yeah so when I was there I converted my money into yen which like was 100=90 so it wasnt that bad compared to what it has been!

alright so skipping ahead 11 hours after meeting a french canadian patrice aka pimp master flex and 2 other americans who did nothing to help the way people see us, another canadian girl we were about to land in narita like 1 minuet away when the captain said I am sorry there has been a crash so now we have to divert to osaka airport 1 hour away so we were all mad and tired and sad because we were ,like sardines in the plane and couldnt sleep!

So we got there only to find out hey the airport isnt going to pay more than $100 to get us back to where we need to go ! but yeah in order to get that we had to wait in line for about 4 hours but we didnt have time so we payed with our own money!

so train to shinkansen(super fast train)= $27

actuall shinkansen ($130!!!!!!)

feeling of why am I here=priceless

but yeah we finally made it to tokyo at 1 am and tried to get a cab to olympic center... well because we were gaijin they drove off!lol but finally we did got there and slept!

from that week on met a lot of ppl from around the worl because olympic center if for people comming from around the world to train! we met australians .... okay and here is the edited part! what nice people they were...

but yeah we got 3 nutritious/delicious meals a day and never went hungry I thought I would but I eat really well here! I alreafy have lost 5 pounds! wow I am going to be skinny! nooo! anyways so we took a tour of tokyo it was so awweing and I mean its huge here you guys have no idea and we saw shrines and everything I mean the japanese people have it right! also cool things about japan

1. toilets! awww so nice seat warmers and a warm spray that cleans you and music thingy! its soo nice

2 everything is automatic I mean everything! doors, toilets ,water things ,lights, food everything!

3. public baths my new love! basicalle a room with a huge pool thats super hot and you sit on a bucket in a room full of naked girls and you ash your self and then you go into the giant pool with everyone and talk about the day! Imean the first time I ran away and came back 2 hours later but now I love it!

okay to continue so At the end of the week we opacked up said goodbyes and headed to our respective transportation mine was shinkansen!so me and sofia a girl from italy who lives right next to me, we rode the train for 4 hours and were hyperventalating the whole way! when we finally arrived evefryone was there for me my area rep and school girls and my mom and sisters and dad and teachers it was sooo nice they all brought me gifts and it was nice I almost cried but yeah. so then I left with my parents and itfelt like family and we headed towards nobutos work hes a medic who works at the firestation and i met his collegeagus (yeah my spellings getting bad!) they didnt know I know some japanese and so they kept telling himOMG shes black!ほんとにすごいですね it was funny but then we went to eat sushi for my first time and let me tell you japan sushi and america sushi two different things because it was the best food I have ever tasted! but yeah so then we headed home and I saw my room wich is super kawaii! I am already moved in and I lobve it I feel like famil already and I love my room and my heater because it is cold and I cant convert celcious into farenhieght! ahh but yeah its a long post and if you made it this far you probably know and love me so hi and bye I love you!also I know my host family has to be the best !

write me my email is

asdk me questions I need to get off now so check my myspace for pictures! and I am going to upload some!